Enhancement of the Cotton Out-grower Scheme for Mt Meru Millers Zambia

In collaboration with Agova Zambia, HYEL partnered with AATIF to develop a robust cotton outgrower scheme for Mt Meru Miller in Zambia. The project aimed to establish a sustainable and profitable cotton outgrower scheme that would provide smallholder farmers with a reliable source of income and support their livelihoods. In addition to supporting smallholder farmers and strengthening the institutional capacity of the cotton sector, the cotton outgrower scheme also had a positive impact on Mt Meru Miller’s cotton supply for their edible oils production.
The project kicked off with a literature review and stakeholder engagements in Southern, Eastern, and Central Provinces of Zambia. The stakeholder engagements involved meetings with smallholder farmers, cotton ginners, input suppliers, and government officials to understand the current state of the cotton value chain in Zambia, identify key challenges, and opportunities for improvement. Based on the findings from the literature review and stakeholder engagements, a comprehensive strategy was developed to address the challenges and leverage the opportunities in the cotton value chain. The strategy included improving smallholder farmer productivity through the provision of inputs, extension services, and market linkages, enhancing the quality of cotton through improved ginning practices, and strengthening the institutional capacity of the cotton sector.
Overall, the partnership between HYEL, Agova Zambia, and AATIF not only supported smallholder farmers and strengthened the institutional capacity of the cotton sector but also had a positive impact on the commercial interests of Mt Meru Miller.