Private Enterprise Programme for Zambia (PEPZ) - Local Economic Development
HYEL was part of a team of Local Economic Development (LED) experts that were working with the mining companies in Zambia in a bid to use mineral value chains as catalysts for Local Economic Development (LED) and thus promote Local Content Procurement (LCP). The team was coordinating the development of Agricultural Value Chains and eco-tourism as ways of promoting rural development as well as facilitating enhanced livelihoods of the target communities through job creation and revenue generation activities.
The project facilitated the continued development of fish/ aquaculture, honey, rice and horticulture value chains in the Kalumbila District and Munali Mine Areas of Zambia. HYEL further participated in the development of long-term LED strategies for the two regions and it has been envisioned that the concept be adopted for implementation in similar resource rich rural communities in Zambia.