Welcome To
Hydrangea Enterprises Limited
About Us
Hydrangea Enterprises Limited is a Leading Consultancy and Agricultural Firm
Hydrangea offers Consultancy Services in Economics, Finance, Agriculture, Digitalization, Marketing, Business Development and Transformative Research
Hydrangea is also involved in horticultural, arable crops and livestock production
Areas of Focus
Hydrangea Services are Categorized as Follows
I. Digitalization, Economic and Financial Analysis
II. Marketing and Business Development
III. Tranformative Research and Development
IV. Agricultural Production
Hydrangea Provides Quality and World Class Consultation Services
Our Works
HYEL in collaboration with AATIF and Agova,led the development of an Enhanced Cotton out grower scheme that aimed to profitably increase the cotton that Mt Meru Millers where acquiring.
HYEL was engaged by GIZ to Develop development a five (5) year Integrated Financial Model for COMACO and Strategy.
HYEL was engaged to conduct a feasibility study for the creation of a sustainable and highly viable apiculture enterprise in Lumwana Mine Town
HYEL in Collaboration with AATIF and Agova led the development process of an enhanced maize sourcing strategy for African Milling Limited